
31. August 2024



S. Rudat & das (i)dentityteam “The night we became men” part of Avengers

S. Rudat & das (i)dentityteam “The night we became men” – “Die Nacht in der wir Männer wurden”

Sa., 31.08.2024, 7pm

Register at:

 For whom are cowboys still sexy? At night we have become REAL men. Or heroes? We’ll cry you under the beer table and one thing’s for sure: the fries in the swimming pool are fatter than my bottom. Someone had to win the mating dance. And lose the antler fight. Sure, the two of us can be a band.

“Die Nacht in der wir Männer wurden” is an entertaining evening of physical theater with a night-life vibe, drag and original live music that explores positive forms of modern masculinity. From a non-binary and trans-male perspective, the (i)dentityteam questions what masculinity actually is and how we want to be male. The artists use a wide range of artistic elements such as movement, choreography, music, stand-up comedy, acting and, of course, drag! You can expect a humorous, artistic and raw deep dive into the open-air pool of identity formation, puberty, coming-outs and transition. There are songs about feelings and male roles in relationships; there are cowboys, swimwear and courtship dances; and above all, there is one important question: is this male now?

For both performances there is a live audio description and a touch tour from 19:00


Concept and performance: S. Rudat

Performance: Elina Brams Ritzau

Outside Eye: Sascha Malina Hofmann

Dramaturgy: Nina Weber

Music and audio: Jakob Lorenz, S. Rudat, Kolya Wulf, Elina Brams Ritzau

Audio description: Ursina Tossi

Stage and costume: Hannah Wolf, Dorothea Mines

Lighting: Jan Widmer

A production by S. Rudat & das (i)dentityteam in co-production with HochX Theater and Live Art Munich and FFT Düsseldorf and in cooperation with Barnes Crossing Köln e.V. .

Supported by the conceptual funding of the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Cultural Office of the City of Cologne.

Foto Copyright: Oliver Stroemer