
22. October 2023



S.Rudat & das (i)dentityteam „Embrace the Suck“ – Premiere

21 & 22.10.2023 each 7.30 p.m.: S. Rudat & the (i)dentityteam “Embrace the Suck” PREMIERE.

Ticket reservations:

A collective work about power and strength.

A search for the raison d’être, self-empowerment and the integration of one’s own identity.

For this production, the (i)dentityTeam collaborates with playwright Anah Filou, mask creator Luzie Ackers, and artists and performers Naomi Abukha, Hicran Demir, and Elisa Oehme in an open artistic process, which is driven by a desire to explore content.

We want a public rehearsal of “How can it work?”

A productive failure.

A colorful attempt at political art.