
03. November 2023



Nati Blanco & Lena Visser “Modus H2O” PREMIERE

03.Nov. 2023 PREMIERE
04.Nov. 2023
8 p.m. each

Water is omnipresent in our everyday life in all 3 states of aggregation (solid, liquid, gas) – it influences our social/human interactions and our environment. The states of aggregation determine our actions, our mood and necessities and needs of our environment, which we perceive or (can) ignore. MODUS H2O is dedicated to these aggregate states, their effects and the resulting tensions: a classic flamenco drag dress stands for the constant flow and changes – if we change the traditional use and meaning of a garment and its associated movements, we also change the resulting – actually set – movement patterns and specifications.

Immersed in blue underwater light, deconstructed flamenco meets contemporary dance and experimental electronic music.


Artistic direction – Nati Blanco
Performance | Choreography – Lena Visser | Nati Blanco
Dramaturgy | Outside Eye – Carla Jordao | Adrián Castelló
Camera | Lighting Design – Michael Muck Kremtz
Music – Isabelle Finou | Ofrin | These are Powers
Costume – Gretel Susi | Malin Clasen | Katrin Lehmacher

The premiere of the Short Version will be performed at the tanz.tausch festival köln at TanzFaktur on September 01, 2023, the premiere of the Long Version will be performed at Barnes Crossing on November 03, 2023.

Modus H2O is supported by: Stipendium des Ministeriums für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW, Kulturamt der Stadt Köln, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste e.V..

A production by Nati Blanco. Co-produced by tanz.tausch Festival Cologne.

Special thanks to Quartier im Hafen for the residency, Ehrenfeldstudios and TanzEtage for the rehearsal opportunities and our soul Eli for your emotional and energetic support. Gracias a mis amigas bailaoras Adi Movdat e Irene Alvaréz por vuestro apoyo con clases privadas y estar cuando os necesito.


Barnes Crossing Cologne
Long Version (45-60 minutes)
Industriestraße 170, Cologne-Rodenkirchen
Tickets 03.11. + Tickets 04.11.