
09. September 2023



IPtanz Revival of absence#3-deconstruction of time’

9.9.23 8pm / Revival ‘absence#3-deconstruction of time’.

“There are moments in life when the question of whether one can think differently than one thinks, and also perceive differently than one sees, is indispensable for looking further and thinking further.” (Michel Foucault/Philosopher)

Time is the framework of our life. How can something intangible and at the same time tangible be defined? Time is not absolute. What if we could invent an individual definition of time?

An intergenerational performance team consisting of 6 dancers, between 26 and 74 years old, 6 performing bodies, an approach to a fiction.In the walk-in installation, spectators and performers share the atmosphere of the intangible.Absence#3 is a production from the series absence, which turns to aspects of disappearance.Absence#3 looks at a fiction of time aspects as the all-determining structure of our lives, an interspace of parallelism of events is created.

A physical-sensory introduction format before the performances as well as an audio-description complement the performance

Seat reservation required, especially for the audio description Tickets at 02236-963588 or

Photo: Alessandro de Matteis