- 26. October 2023
- Expired!
- 20:00
DIN A 13 „extRemED“ – Premiere
Piece: “extRemED
Length approx. 60min
26 October premiere at 20:00
27 October and 28 October at 20:00
29 October at 18:00
A choreographic production about the emotional ambiguity of the color RED.
In their new production, DIN A 13 tanzcompany would like to deal with the symbolic effect of the color RED with regard to its extremely emotional components, as well as its ambiguity and contrary meaning.
To this end, artistic director Gerda König, together with choreographer Paolo Fossa, would like to develop a production in which the emotionally contradictory power of the color RED is to be reflected in its dynamics, especially on the level of dance.
dynamics on the level of dance.
extRemED Credits
Artistic direction: Gerda König
Choreography: Paolo Fossa & Gerda König
Dancers: Míriam Aguilera , Damiaan Veens,
Lisa Hellmich, Gina Laskowski
ProducHon direction: Hanna Behr
Music: Frank Schulte
Lighting: Marco Wehrspann
Stage design: MarHna Kock
Costume design: Thomas Wien-Pegelow
Technical assistance: Ivana Duzanec, Christoph Wedi
Choreographic assistance: Damiaan Veens
Press and public relations: Neurohr & Andrä
Graphics: Kai Kullen
Homepage: Andrea Hofmann
Social media and financial management: John Hermann
CreaHve Producer: Anastasia Olfert
extRemED is supported by:
Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Fonds Darstellende Künste within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR in the program #TakeHeart
Kämpgen Foundation
DIN A 13 tanzcompany receives top funding from the state of NRW. Performances:
Premiere on October 26 at 8:00 p.m., follow-up performances October 27 and 28 at 8:00 p.m.
and on 29 October at 18:00 at BARNES CROSSING
Reservations at:
Ticket Prices: Tickets@din-a13.de
16,50€ regular price, 9,50€ reduced price