
10. March 2024



Benedetta Reuter “Im Riesengras” (AT)

Benedetta Reuter “Im Riesengras” (AT)

a dance performance by Benedetta Reuter for all ages 6 and up


March 10th, 2024 – 3 pm

What happens in the bamboo world?
Which creatures live there?
How do they interact with each other?
How do humans behave in the giant grass?
In turbulent times, two dancers turn to the bamboo and listen to the giant grass. The canes whisper wisdom to them and challenge them to engage with the regenerative and resilient aspects of their nature.
IM RIESENGRAS is a dance performance under the artistic direction of Benedetta Reuter that uses two people and a multitude of bamboo canes to explore themes of resilience and transformation.
In a fascinating shift of perspective between human, object and nature, the artists draw attention away from a purely anthropocentric understanding of the world to a holistic approach. In this context, humans are invited to see themselves as part of a continuous process of transformation. The bamboo has always represented a successful strategy for dealing with stormy times – swaying with the wind rather than breaking. This metaphor of flexibility, agility, as well as deep rootedness and steadfastness is embodied by the central role of bamboo sticks in the performance
embodied. The bamboo sticks become dance partners, sound generators, and stage
The bamboo sticks become dance partners, sound generators and stage sets, which in the play of the performers create abstract structures, imaginative figures and a surreal visual language as a choreographic narrative.

The performance is aimed at a diverse audience, especially children from the age of 6, but also adults and their inner children.

Artistic direction: Benedetta Reuter
Choreography: Benedetta Reuter in collaboration with Fang-Yu Shen and
Constanza Ruiz Campusano
Dance: Constanza Ruiz Campusano, Benedetta Reuter
Sound space concept: Tina Tonagel
Sound design/music: Jannika Lösche
Props: Tina Tonagel, Benedetta Reuter
Research: Benedetta Reuter, Fang-Yu Shen, Amanda Romero
Lighting: Christoph Wedi
PR/Publicity: Winfried Hoffman
Graphics: Hannah Boeker
Press photos: Michael Maurissens

Sponsors Cultural Office of the City of Cologne
Thanks to Barnes Crossing e.V.

Premiere and performance dates:
Premiere: 02.12.2023, 18h, Barnes Crossing Cologne
Further performance: 03.12.2023, 15h
Venue: Barnes Crossing – Freiraum für TanzPerformanceKunst, Industriestraße 170,
50999 Cologne-Rodenkirchen. Directions: