
25. November 2023



Ale Jara Solo „CARACÚ“

Fri., 24.11.2023, 7.30 p.m. PREMIER

Sat., 25.11.2023, 7.30 p.m.

INFO and ticket reservation:

16,50€ normal, 10€ reduced *

*Discount for: Pupils*, trainees, students up to 28 yrs, voluntary service, job seekers, severely disabled (degree of disability of at least 50).

“CARACÚ” – a dance piece choreographed and performed by Alejandra Jara.

The name “CARACÚ” is derived from a “Guaraní” word from Alejandra’s native Paraguay, which is a metaphor for the core, the profound essence of one’s being. Although you can’t quite see it, it is undeniably felt. The piece delves deep into her soul, touching her longings and connecting her past to the present.
With the help of this powerful metaphor, Alejandra Jara embarks on a journey to explore the complex layers of a Latin American woman who left her homeland for love and ventured to Germany. This experience led to a profound self-knowledge that helps shape her choices and behaviors, in a way that connects two different worlds.

In “CARACÚ” she combines the eloquence of movement with emotional profundity to tell the life journey of an immigrant woman who carries many roles: Mother, dancer, wife. All of this in a foreign land that challenges not only societal expectations but also personal aspirations. By bringing together moments of this experience in a collage-like manner, the performance paints a vivid picture of the different facets and illuminates the multi-layered nature invested in a single person. “CARACÚ” invites the audience to embark on an exploration of identity, inner strength, and life’s challenges as rooted in personal experience. We encounter moments that tell of a biography while echoing universal themes.

Date Friday- 11/24/2023 PREMIERE and 11/25/2023.
Time 19:30 h
City of Cologne
Venue Barnes Crossing
Title of the piece: CARACÚ

Photo Credits: Luis Vera