For the sixteenth time, BARNES CROSSING (Freiraum für TanzPerformanceKunst) is organizing the international dance festival SoloDuo nrw + friends in Cologne from 10-12 May 2024 and is once again cooperating with the Budapest SzólóDuó Táncfesztivál and the Almada Dance Company / Almada international Dance Festival.
A total of 18 solos and duos from Germany (Cologne, Essen, Düsseldorf, Freiburg, Wiesbaden, Zwickau, Stuttgart), Sweden, Italy, Senegal, the Netherlands and Slovenia were selected from almost 60 applications.
The performances will take place on: Fri., May 10 + Sat., May 11, each at 8:00 p.m.
Once again this year, the audience is invited to actively participate in the voting for the Audience Award Solo and Audience Award Duo.
Award ceremony with performance, Sun., May 12, 3 p.m.
The cooperation partner Almada Dance Company (PT) will show an excerpt from their latest production (information will be sent later)
The following prizes will be awarded:
Audience prizes:
Audience Award Solo
Audience Award Duo
Jury prizes (Jury: Roos van Berkel / NL, Stephanie Thiersch/ D , tba /HU):
awarded Solo
awarded Duo
awarded Solo newcomer
awarded Duo newcomer
awarded dancer
The jury prizes include an invitation to the Budapest SzólóDúo Fesztivál 2025 for all prizewinners; the prize money will be used to cover travel and accommodation costs and will be awarded by the Kunstsalonstiftung. The awarded solo and the awarded duo will also receive an invitation to the Almada International Dance Festival 2024 in Portugal. The prize money in the form of travel expenses will also be covered by the Kunstsalonstiftung.
Friday 2024, May 10th // 8:00 PMtimeStartNo. title Name of Company/artist8 p.m.1 SymbioseDuoStella Schirra, Ulli Ullmann, DE/Cologne 2Baby pieceSoloAntonia Koluiartseva, DE/Essen 3Inbetween CakesDuoViviane Hamm, Laura Louise van Meurs, Unbaked Collective, DE/Essen 4FROM NOTHING TO ONESoloRymon Zacharei, DE/Düsseldorf PAUSE 5Layers of AshSoloMagdalena Weniger (Choreo), Youngwon Song, KOMA&Ko, DE/Freiburg 6C’è caffè a casaDuoLara Pilloni, Sara Peña Cagigas, DE/Essen 7LIBERATIOSoloSonja Reischl, DE/Düsseldorf 8Burdens of BeingDuoAlessio Damiani, Matthias Vaucher, DE/Wiesbaden 9Mia MariaSoloMinsu Kim, DE/Zwickau Saturday 2024, May 11th // 8: 00 PMtimeStartNo. title Name of Company/artist8 p.m.1 Bat technoSoloVirpi Pahkinen (Choreo), Victor Persson, SWE/Stockholm 2RHYTHM IS A DANCERDuoMattia Quintavalle, Giacomo Turati, IT/Brescia 3Irrlicht: OneSoloJonathan Reimann, DE/Essen 4In the Country of Last Things: chapter IDuoElena Cattardico (Choreo), Francisco (Paco) Làdron De Guevara, Saskia Astrid Hamala, DE/Stuttgart 5Beloved” oui ou non “SoloKezia Jonah, SEN/Dakar PAUSE 6Grund dafürDuoIxhel Altamirano Solar, Moonjoo Kim, NL/Amsterdam 7La luna sui nossi montiSoloStefania Menestrina, IT/Trento 8Inevitable impactDuoAlja Turk Hvala, Beti Polanec, SLO/Ljubljana 9WAMISoloNunzia Picciallo, IT/Roma
Detailed information on all participants can be found at the following link:
Practical information:
Competition Performances:
Fri., May 10, 8:00 p.m.
Sat., May 11, 8:00 p.m.
Award ceremony
Sun., May 12, 3 p.m.
Open workshops / fee for external participants 10 €
Sat., May 11, 2024 14.00-15:00h
Talk // by Judith Ayuso Pereira // Language: English
Sun., May 12, 2024 10:00-11:30h
Composing while moving // by and with Nina Patricia Hänel //
Ticket prices
Tickets € 19,– / reduced € 12,– / € 6,00 with Tanzcard (ZZT students) per festival day (limited availability), plus advance booking fee
Award ceremony: € 8,00 / reduced € 5,00
Tickets via http://rausgegangen.de
or at the box office (we recommend booking in advance, stating your name, address and telephone number, as only a small number of tickets are available for free sale. Tel.: 02236-963588, barnescrossing@web.de
Team: Artistic. Artistic direction: Ilona Pászthy, Gerda König Festival assistance: Lilith Wüller / Joanna Park Selection jury: Diana Treder, Ilona Pászthy Graphics:miegLJury:Roos van Berkel / NL, Stephanie Thiersch/ D, tba /HU Technology: Garlef Keßlertontechnical assistance: Annabell Seidlitz P+Ö work: Mechtild Tellmann Workshop management: Judith Ayuso Pereira, Nina Hänel Photo/ video doc. Alessandro de Matteis
Barnes Crossing | Freiraum für TanzPerformanceKunst im Kunstzentrum Wachsfabrik
Industriestrasse 170
50999 Cologne-Rodenkirchen
Cooperation partners Orkesztika Foundation (HU), Almada Dance Company (PT)
Supported by: Cultural Office of the City of Cologne, KunstSalon Foundation
Contact for press enquiries:
Mechtild Tellmann kultur@mechtild-tellmann.de / +49 171 385 7031