
02. February 2023



absence#3-deconstruction of time, a walk-in dance installation by IPtanz

absence#3 - deconstruction of time
premiere 02.02.2023 | 8 pm

Further performances:
03.02.2023 | 8 pm
04.02.2023 | 8 pm
05.02.2023 | 6 pm

An interactive introductory format will take place before all performances.
(exact time from January 2023 on

Audio description on 03. and 05.02.2023/ Seat reservation required in advance.
ticket reservation: 02236-963588 or
due to limited audience, ticket reservation is recommended

"There are moments in life when the question of whether one can think differently than one thinks, and also perceive differently than one sees, is indispensable for looking further and thinking further."
(Michel Foucault/Philosopher)
Time is the framework of our life. How can something intangible and at the same time tangible be defined? What if everyone could invent their own definition of time?
An intergenerational performance team of 6 dancers between 26 and 74 years old, 6 performing bodies, an approach to a fiction. In the walk-in installation, spectators and performers share the atmosphere of the intangible.

absence#3 is the third production of the absence series, which turns to aspects of disappearance. Absence#3 looks at a fiction of time aspects as an all-determining structure of our life, an interspace of parallelism of events is created.
A physical-sensory introduction format for interested audiences and an audio description in the course of accessibility complement the performance.

For more information, visit

Performance: Tom Diener, Sonia Mota, Yana Novotorova, Maria Nurmela, Sten Rudstrøm, Maria Sauerland
Konzeption und Choreografie: Ilona Pászthy
Stückentwicklung: Ilona Pászthy in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Team.
Co-Konzeption und Szenographie: miegL.
Herstellung Bühnenobjekt: Frank Fierke Luftobjekte.
Kostümbild: Margit Koch
Musikalische Bearbeitung: Marcus Greiner
Saxophon: Zsolt Varga.
Animation: Anna Mahendra.
Mapping/ Videotechnik: Christoph Wedi.
Licht: Garlef Kessler.
Audience Developement: Diana Treder.
Audiodeskription: Uschi Baetz.
Produktionsleitung: Marguerite Apostolidis.
Management: Anna Kampe

Wir danken Raphael Netolitzky und Uschi Baetz für die Unterstützung im Rahmen der Audiodeskription

Gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der
Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR, HilfsprogrammTanz, Bureau Ritter, dem Fonds Darstellende
Künste, Prozessförderung, dem Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW und
dem Kulturamt der Stadt Köln. IPtanz ist vertreten bei iDAS.

© Photo: miegL